OpenStudio’s variable features allow you to create complex variable projects.
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There are currently two different variable types
  • Pick
  • Weighted Pick


When the pick option is selected each value has an equal chance of being randomly chosen.

Weighted Pick

When the pick option is selected each value has a chance determined by the artist of being chosen. These weighted values do not need to add up to 1.
There are also two value types
  • Character strings
  • Images

Character strings

These are keywords that are put into your prompt and must be separated with the semi colon. Depending on the variable type this word will be selected and put into your prompt wherever you put it.
Example: cat; dog; bird


Using “Flat Files” you can use images as a base for your generation. Using the “Denoising Strength” variable you can choose how much of the generated image is similar to the base image.
Denoising Strength - 0: Identical to the base image
Denoising Strength - 1: Incredibly different from the base image
Feel free to experiment with denoising strength values. Generally it’s recommended to go between 0.3-0.7

How to use character variables

After you have created your variables you can place them in your prompt using double brackets “{{variable}}”.
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You can use character variables with the p5.js module as well! Use it to call specific Hex codes for color, named variables, and more!

How to use image variables